Out of the Blindspot

The Value of Neuro-ophthalmology - Part 1

Ore-ofe Adesina Episode 3

In this episode of OOTBS we begin a 2 part series asking  "What is the value of neuro-ophthalmology?" To answer this question, I speak with Drs. Larry Frohman and Prem Subramanian. Both are world renowned and accomplished neuro-ophthalmologists who have also been on the front lines at both the societal and national levels, championing the value of Neuro-ophthalmology through their leadership and advocacy efforts. I learn a lot through our conversation and I think you will too.

Larry Frohman, MD - https://njms.rutgers.edu/departments/ophthalmology/frohman.php

Prem Subramanian, MD - https://som.cuanschutz.edu/Profiles/Faculty/Profile/23271